The objectives of this topic are as follows:

  • to provide detailed  information on wildlife pet utilization to man

  • to categorically state the challenges of  keeping wild animals as pet

  • to expose the different era wild animals have been used as pets to man

  • to itemize the different purpose of keeping wild animals pets


Pets are animal kept for companionship, interest, or amusement i.e. animals kept for the main purpose of companionship, pleasure and given adequate comfort as opposed to animals for zoo keeping, working animals, biological research. The animals kept as pet ranges from domestic to wild animals. Although a lot of controversies have being raised on why wild animals should be kept as pets owing to the risks involved but this has not deterred wildlife Pet keepers as their numbers are increasing from time to time. According to library index  {pet history} keeping an animal for pleasure rather than for food or work was possible only for people who were well off and had the resources to feed extra mouths


Pet keeping was a widespread and well accepted phenomenon in classical antiquity raising disapproval only when pets supplanted or where thought to supplant children in human affections {Bodson. L, 2005}.

Although historians are not sure when exactly humans first started keeping animals as pets but there exist evidence in literatures, arts, and tombs that indicates that far back before the civilization in Egypt the pharaohs and queen kept animals such lions, grey parrot, rabbit, monkeys, wild cats as pet, according to historian Kasey Grier of the University of South Carolina, tropical birds, such as parrots, were highly valued in American society before recorded music became available. The ancient Greek and Romans of all ages also enjoyed animal companions of different species from insect to mammals. {Bodson. L, 2005}

According to the information stated in library index websites the origins of ornamental goldfish date back to the seventh century in China, where Buddhist monks first raised them in ponds and by the fourteenth century the Chinese were keeping goldfish indoors in bowls as pets.


The modern age of pet keeping began in the mid-1800s, when a thriving middle class emerged in society. This was the first time that many people had the time and money to keep animals solely for companionship and pleasure. {Library index; pet history}


Many people have kept different species of animals in captivity over the course of human history in Nigeria, only a relative few have being kept long enough to be considered domesticated. Other types of animals notably monkeys, parrots, deer, duiker, ostrich have never being completely domesticated but are still commonly sold and kept as pets.

Moreover, monkeys one of the common wild animal pet in this part of the country are kept for the purpose of comfort (stress relief), exercise and social interaction. Similarly they are regarded and used as errand mate instead of man in some area Bayelsa state (Akenfa town), Rivers state, Delta state {personal communication and observation}.

Furthermore, parrot and monkeys are used as security in some parts of Nigeria because of their keen ability to recognise strangers and intruders.


There are many purposes and reason humans keep wildlife as pets and these purposes and reasons determines the selection of a particular animals as pet, few are highlighted below:

  • Hobby

  • Companionship

  • Security

  • Errand mate

  • Beautiful colour display

  • Acrobatic display

  • Games

  • Inspirations (religious/culture)

  • Affiliating with the natural environment

  • Hunting/scaring away other animals etc.


There are numerous animals kept as pet worldwide but few are listed here.

  • Bird- Birds such as falcons, ducks,owl raven, turtle doves, hoopoes (small, colourful bird), parrot and geese (by nobles) are common pets kept for their beautiful colours, display (courtship) and ability to mimic human voice.

  • Chimpanzee and baboons- they are kept as pet for their abilities to perform acrobatic display, behave like humans etc.

  • Cat- Perhaps first domesticated by Egyptians, the cat was valued as a controller of pest and vermin (mouse-catcher). They also had value as companions to their owners, which were mostly women. Despite their popularity, there is only evidence of one instance where a pet cat had a name. Its name was "the Pleasant One".

  • Dog- The main pet of ancient Egypt, the dog was beloved by all classes. The dog is thought to be the earliest domesticated animal, and was used as a hunting partner, an aid to herders and farmers, and as a watchdog. Unlike any other type of pet, a family dog was almost always named; in fact many were given human names just as if they were a human family member. They are the only species to be given that honour in Egypt. The love affair Egypt had with its dogs is represented in the many coffins found containing the family pet.

  • Gazelle- These were domesticated and kept in the home. They were loved for their gentle nature.

  • Deer- a small herbivore that have being kept in some house hold of America and many parts of Africa including Nigeria

  • Duiker- small antelope reported to have been successful kept as pet in different house hold worldwide.

  • Lion- Archaeologists presume that pet lions had their deadly claws and fangs removed before being given pet status. They were royal pets, and regularly roamed palace grounds. The amount of domestication that occurred is unknown.

  • Monkey- Patas monkeys, green or vervet monkeys and baboons were second only to dogs in popularity as pets. This popularity is mostly due to their ability to be trained to dance, sing, or play musical instruments for the entertainment of their human companions. They were appreciated for their comic appeal, and were customarily kept collared and leashed. Those who were owned by wealthy families often wore gold jewellery as fine as that worn by humans.

  • Python- rock python, python regius are pet in Thailand, America and other parts of the world

  • Crocodile – Although often regarded as not a good pet because of the size and level of aggressiveness but people still keep species of small dwarf caiman, dwarf African crocodile as pet.

  • Giraffe

  • Iguana- blue neck iguana and other species of iguana are kept as pet in America and some parts of Nigeria

  • Tigers-


The challenges and disadvantages of keeping pet has always limit the keeping of animal especially wild animals as pet

  • Belief- certain people have seen certain animal keeping as pet to be bad stating they are against cultural, religious belief e.g. keeping owl as pet in delta state has always been seen as practicing witchcraft.

  • Disease carriers (zoo noses) – some animals used as pet have the tendency of transmitting certain pathogens causing diseases to their owner and this have brought about limitations in keeping such animals and other that their potency of causing diseases has not been known. E.g. foot and mouth diseases (FMD) a viral diseases that can be transmitted by antelope, giraffe etc.

  • Destructive animals- some of this pet are capable of destroying crops, plantation seedling, food stuff when they get out of control e.g. primates such as the monkeys baboon etc.

  • Dangerous- some of these pet kept has been reported to grow outrageous there by turning against their keepers either because they have being traumatized or because they have grown too old in captivity e.g. python keepers in America (National geographic channel documentary) and baboon keepers in Africa (Delta State Nigeria).

  • Education/Awareness- there have always being little or no awareness given on the importance and benefit of keeping certain wild animals as petand the low information(feeding, housing etc.) given on the status of the animal that should be kept as pet has also contributed to the poor utilization of animals as pet.

  • Income – many people that would want to keep certain animals as pet often do not have the finance and resources to keep and manage them due to low income earnings and those that have and cannot meet up with their up keep usually engage in donation of the animals out to the zoo.

  • Pet price- the price of purchasing certain pet is high due to the process involved in acquiring them from the wild. This has led to people choosing domestic pet over wild animal pet.

  • Bureaucracy- the process involved in acquiring certain wild animal as pet is very long and complicating e.g. pythons, tiger and lion pet keepers (America, India, Nigeria) often go through along processes in obtaining licence for the animals.


Although the wild animals are removed from their wild to serve as pet which could be regarded as altering the natural environment but in as much as it is utilized wisely as pet (pet keeping) it is encourage in conservation science hence the establishment of agencies such as CITES etc. that usually monitor trades on not only endanger animals but wild animals in general.


Bodson. L, {2005}   motivation for pet keeping in ancient Greece and Rome, a preliminary survey.google books,348pp. books.google.com/books?isbn=0521017718 13/09/2010

Lecture note of Dr Ijeomah wildlife management and utilization 2010 4/08/2010

"http://www.libraryindex.com/pages/2205/Pets-HISTORY.html">Pets - History

Personal communication, (2010).


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