How To Care For Parrots
Your parrot needs a safe, secure and happy environment to feel comfortable. You must have the correct size cage for your parrot. Large species such as Macaws, Cockatoos and Amazons require large floor standing cages. Smaller parrots (Cockatiels, Parakeets, and Conures) will do all right in a small tabletop cage.
If you purchase your bird in a pet shop, your sales person can help you select a proper cage for your new friend.
Generally, your bird's tail should not be sticking out while being perched in the middle of the cage.
Give your parrot plenty of safe toys to play with.
The location of the cage is equally important.
You'll want a location that's draft free and warm enough.
Typically 70-72 degrees Fahrenheit is good for most parrots.
Keep the temperature consistent, these birds are tropical and can not tolerate sudden temperature changes.
Parrots are very social and require interaction with you.
Keep your parrot in a room where there is family activity.
Avoid placing your birds cage in high traffic vicinity, such as a busy hallway.
Also avoid the kitchen, as fumes from over heated non-stick cookware can be fatal to your bird.
Certain houseplants should be kept away from your bird, as they can be poisonous if ingested.
It's a good idea to leave a radio or television on while you're away, to keep the bird from becoming lonely.
Make sure you provide plenty of light for your parrot, but do not leave him in direct sunlight.
Give your new parrot a few days to adjust to you and its new home.
Find a good avian vet to check your new bird.
If you have other birds in the house, quarantine your new parrot for at least 30 days.
Your bird will require 10-12 hours of sleep every day.
Keep your parrot's room dark and quiet at night.
You must provide clean, fresh filtered or bottled water daily for your bird.
A proper diet for your parrot should include fresh vegetables, fruits, with pellets, or seed mix.
You can also give your bird some treats such as, millet spray or nuts.
A cuttlebone or mineral block will contribute to a well-rounded diet.
Be sure to promptly remove all uneaten fruits and vegetables before they spoil.
Never give your bird any Alcoholic Beverages, as they are extremely toxic to your bird.
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